¿Alguna vez has necesitado saber a que equivale un Dólar o un Euro en tu moneda local?
La solución a este problema es el Currency Converter de Yahoo! Finance, un sitio que siempre esta actualizado con las ultimas tasas de cambio de la mayoría (talvez todas) las monedas del mundo.
Así que si necesitas una conversión de moneda confiable, no dudes en visitar esta página.
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1 comentario:
I'm the kind of guy who enjoys to taste brand-new stuff. Presently I am manufacturing my private pv panels. I am managing it all by myself without the aid of my staff. I'm utilizing the net as the only way to acheive this. I stumbled upon a truly awesome website which explains how to contruct solar panels and wind generators. The internet site explains all the steps needed for photovoltaic panel construction.
I'm not sure bout how precise the data given there is. If some people over here who have experience with these things can have a look and give your feedback in the thread it will be grand and I would highly appreciate it, because I truly enjoy solar panel construction.
Thanks for reading this. You guys are the best.
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